Tuesday 4 June 2013

Egg mask for those ugly blackheads

Hey my sweet friends,
I am sorry i didn't post anything from almost 6 days...but friends i have come up with the most asked problem among youth after pimples and that is "BLACKHEADS" 
Blackheads are a sort of acne but they appear mostly on nose area, forehead and chin area, whatever the area is, this remedy is gonna work for u trust me.. if not message me i will solve it for sure:) 
So lets get to it!!!

Thing's you will need:
An egg
Some tissue paper strips
A folk and a bowl
All you have to do is:
1. Take one egg and separate the egg yolk from the white and keep it aside
2. Beat the egg white with the fork until bubble comes. Now keep it aside.  
3. Now wash your face with normal water.
4. Next steam your face for about 20 minutes, add lemon in your steam bowl if you want it will add a glow to your face.
5. After this apply egg white on your face nicely and apply tissue paper strips on your face evenly and cover your face.
6. Let it dry, it is dry when you cant smile.
7. Now gently remove all the strips, now you will see that ugly little blackheads on your tissue paper.....
8. After you remove all wash your face with the lukewarm water and apply egg yolk to moisturize your face, after 15 minutes wash it again and VOILA your face will feel awesome.. try this, i tried it on my own face trust me, its worth giving a try:):):)
N yeah do this twice or thrice a week:) 
Do leave comments, i would love to know your experience:)


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