Monday 16 September 2013

Cherry blossom nail art tutorial

Hey my lovely friends!
How are you all? I hope you are all fine..
How many of you have seen cherry blossom tree by your own eyes? I guess most of you... But its my bad luck that I haven't seen it.. Maybe or don't grow here in my country.. Any ways the moment I saw this tree on internet when I was searching for wallpapers... From that moment I love its look... So pinkish.. Beautiful.. Don't have more words... :O its the prettiest tree I think... So any ways few days back I was thinking of doing this nail art because it's so girly , pretty, and cute and goes with your daily look..
So I practiced it for one time on my pinky finger and when it looked good I clicked pictures and I am uploading it for you (I had light problems so I edited it somehow and it turned to be even more dull... Lol anyways hope you like this nail art )
Steps to do it :
1. Apply base coat
2. Apply two coats of white colour
3. Take a sponge and very light pink colour ... And put this colour on little side of sponge
4. Apply this colour with sponge on your nail tips and a little below tips too
5. Let it dry and now use a little darker color than previously used colour and put it on other side of sponge and sponge it on just tips (like I did )
6. Take a toothpick and draw lines with black paint as if you are drawing the tree and branches
7. Now the simplest part add dots with two different shades of pink (one should be light and other one dark )
8. Let it dry and apply top coat.. And you are good to go...
Hope you get it....
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