Wednesday 11 September 2013

Hair mask for dandruff

Hey guys!..
How are you all?
Even if you are not good you will get good after hearing my recipe for today... Haha.. Are you people suffering from dandruff these days because it's weird I am suffering from it suddenly... As if like it all feel on my scalp from a tree.. Haha.. Any ways is really irritating me because I keep on scratching my scalp which leads leads to more flaky scalp :-(.. But luckily I got this Recipe and trust me guys it is working wonders in just two weeks applications... I just can't believe till now that it is so effective because it's so cheap... We think that expensive things are better ,but this one is different guys..
So here it is fenugreek mask for your hair ^_^ as fenugreek is an anti fungal and is very effective for removing dandruff...
Let's jump on to the method today because ingredients is just one and that is fenugreek seeds... Yeah I know it's so cheap and it is easily.  available at your home or general shops...
Steps to do for this mask are :
1. Take two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and put it in a big bowl
2. Now add 2 cups of water in it..
3. Let it stay in the water overnight.
4. Put all the seeds with water in the mixer or we say blender and blend it properly, making sure that no seeds are left, because if left it will stick on your hairs and will be very difficult to remove.
5. Now take it out apply on your scalp and hairs nicely with dying brush ...
6. Tie your hairs up and put plastic cap on.
7. Let it stay for half an hour.
8. Then wash it properly so that no paste is left on your hair then wash it with shampoo..
9. Do this twice a week for first two years and then once a week for next two and then just see the result... You will see the difference... Dandruff will be gone.. ^_^
Hope you like it


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