Wednesday 18 September 2013

Do’s and don’ts for healthy eyelashes

Hello pretty people J
How are you all?
Many people like me who have thick eyelashes usually take natural gift for granted, but we forget that nothing stays with you forever if you don’t know how to preserve It or don’t care to preserve it, thinking that they won’t leave you, that would be the biggest mistake in your life trust me!!
I didn't cared for my eyelashes thinking that it’s okay they are thick enough already so why bother, but when I started losing my lashes I was quite regretting for not taking care of it…from that day on wards I started thinking, researching for many remedies for healthy lashes, I tried many of them but results was not satisfactory, so at that moment a thought came to my mind that just like we do for our skin ,like cleansing, toning, moisturizing, why not doing things similar like that for healthy lashes so I came up with few do’s and don’ts for achieving pretty thick eyelashes
And today I am going to present it to you guys, so that you start caring it from the moment you read my post.
So let’s get to it
DO’S for healthy eyelashes:
1. Remove all the makeup of the eyes like mascara liner and off course eye shadow before sleep.
2. Apply olive oil or almond or even coconut oil on your lashes every day. Here I am using almond as it is my favorite and its rich in vitamin E which is great for hair growth.(oh my gosh there is one hair of my dog lol)
3. Remove eye makeup with olive oil rather than washing it off with soap and water, I am not saying don’t wash your eyes and all , I am just saying while removing   it use olive oil then you can wash your face.
4. Apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly on your lashes every day to moisturize them as Vaseline and petroleum jelly is a wonderful moisturizer.
5. Brush your lashes with eye brush but not too often just one times a day.
DON’T’S for healthy eyelashes:       
      1. Don’t go for thick layer of mascara because the thicker the lashes the more easily it will break. (I have          experienced it)
      2. Don’t use eye lash curler too often because it weakens the lashes with frequent use
      3. Don’t frequently touch them or prick them because it falls easily leaving you with very few lashes.
      4. Don’t rub your eyes ever(never ever)it makes your eyes weak plus make eyelashes weak and easy to          fall L  

I know my pictures are not the best but i hope you get the main point behind this post:)
Have a nice day !Thank you for your time:)
Hope you like it:)


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