Monday 26 August 2013

Glycerin and Lemon cream

Hey friends!!
Before starting with today’s topic .I want to ask you guys something, and that is do you want any nail art tutorial in my next post, if you do want it pleaseeeeeeee write it in a comment below please, I need your support to continue my work...and yeah you can even send me links or pictures as to which nail art you want a tutorial on... so that’s it with the nail art thing..:)
So today I want to tell you one skin care tip for your hand and foot, if they are getting dark these days...
You don’t have to go to salon or buy expensive creams or anything like that, what you will need is your will to have patience and do this recipe...
So let’s not waste time and get on the recipe..
What you will need is:
Gloves and socks
A bowl
And that’s it...isn't it too cheap???
Take a bowl and pour about 1 tsp. glycerin in it, then add 5 to 8 drops of lemon according to your wish, then mix it very well .After washing your hands and foot in night, apply this mixture all over on your hands and foot, put your gloves and socks and go to your beautiful sleep... in the morning remove your gloves and socks and wash your hands and foot... REPEAT this every night and get beautiful hands and foot :):)
Hope you like it. And do give it a try :)
Dooooo comment below if you want any nail art tutorial i will deliver it to you ASAP :) Trust me



  1. Oh that's good!! I will try :)

    1. Yes dear.. Do give it a try. And let me know how it benefit you^_^


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