Wednesday 29 May 2013

Lip Scrub

Hey guys!!!
Do you wish to have soft and pinkish lips?? I know you do, but we all know that our natural lip color can't be changed, but at least we can prevent it from getting dark, dehydrated and chapped right??
So here is your ""lip scrub"" made up with just few things:):)
This lip scrub will keep your lips soft, smooth and supple! Exfoliating your lips not only helps the skin hold more moisture and prevent chapping, it also rubs off the dead skin, making your lips silky smooth and kissable and helps your lipstick stay on better. So, let’s begin!!
Materials needed :
Brown sugar/white sugar- 1 tsp
Honey- 1 tsp
Vaseline/petroleum jelly - just little bit like 1/4 tsp

Method :
1.Take a small plate and put sugar in it.
2.Add honey in it.
3.Add Vaseline or petroleum jelly in it.
4.Mix it nicely with a spoon till it is all mixed up nicely.
5.And voila it is done, store it in a small container.Here is mine:) which is almost finished:)

6.Apply a small amount on your lips and gently massage it for a minute and then just take it off with a tissue paper or you can even lick it ;P
7. Apply lip balm after every use to prevent the moisture.
Use it thrice a week and your lips will be smooth soft and supple:)<3
Hope you enjoyed it!!
Do leave comments below i would love to see your comments:)<3

Friday 24 May 2013

Magical aloe vera

Hey guys!! 
I am back with an another life saver...ta da its ""ALOEVERA"" ....

Aloevera has its own magical touch for every problem... you name it and it will sort out your problem be it hair loss, dandruff, dryness, itchiness, sun burns, frizziness,acne or its marks, aging, woof... now you can understand why its a life saver... :)
Anyways lets get started..
For hair you can cut Aloevera and take all of its gel and just apply on your hair.. that's it let it stay on for half hour and wash it off with Luke warm water..or you can add it in your shampoo while shampooing take your shampoo and add Aloevera gel in it.... then trust me you wont need any conditioner..but if you do use conditioner it wont show any bad results...aloe is always magical use it with shampoo or before shampoo..use it twice a week..
For skin its simple just apply gel on your skin but don't rub it just massage it smoothly.. and leave it for 15 minutes or till it dries..and wash it off...:) and voila your skin will feel smooth and glowing..with repeated use you will observe that your acne marks or any other marks fades away..
Hope it works for you and you like it....
Do tell me in comments below if you have any questions or anything u wanna say..
Please subscribe..

Tuesday 21 May 2013

DIY Flower Nail Art

Hello guys:)
I am back with my new DIY and its a nail art.. i wont be doing much talking today...just going to start the tutorial and i am really excited about it... my first nail art tutorial..yayyy:)..hope you guys like it!!:)
Lets get started!:)
Materials needed:
  1. ELLE 18 nail pops (61) 
  2. DEBORAH Shine Tech Ultra Brill ante, Ultra Resistant(34) 
  3. ELLE 18 nail pops (27)
  4. NARS Paris (DC-1804)
  5. A Toothpick 
  6.  An Ear bud


1.Start by painting all of your nails with transparent nail paint. Let it dry. 
2.Now start making outer flower with the greenish/bluish nail paint with an ear bud like below.

3.Now i am gonna press my toothpick on the petal and drag it inside.

4.Now next step is making an inner reddish flower just like before with the bud but a little smaller.
5.Again the toothpick process.

6.Now i am gonna paint the inner circle with white nail paint.
7.Now the main part re- dotting the red part so that it looks more beautiful.

8.Last step is to coat your nails with the transparent one.:):)
Yayyy!! Now you are good to go!!:)<3 

Below is a link of the video for this DIY (sorry for the bad quality):/

Sunday 19 May 2013

Orange peel mask

Hello guys,

Here is my another DIY mask, its an orange peel mask, which is made of that waste which we used to throw in our dust bin , but guys it can be used as an amazing face mask. But before i tell you about the mask you should know what are the benefits of orange peel. Some of them are:
1. It contains citric acid so you can use it as bleaching agent as it will glow your skin.
2.It can be used for acne, removing acne marks, other blemishes.
3.It can be used for oily skin as it is acidic in nature.
4.It can be used as hair mask for shiny and manageable hairs.
5. Even you can use it as an ingredient in your steam routine with lemon juice.
So now lets just begin first you should eat your oranges and separate the peels and keep them under direct sunlight for 1 or 2 hours depends on the heat, then after it gets all dried up mix it in the mixer until all gets powdered.
Below you can see my dried peels , then the fine particles of orange peel and then my filled container...:)
You can keep this contained as long as its fragrance is there, mine is still working even after 2 months.

So after making this powder you can use it with water, rose water, milk, or yogurt, any thing you like. Apply it on face evenly in circular motion and keep it for at least 15 minutes and then wash it off with Luke warm water. Now pat dry your face and you will feel refreshing.

NOTE:Your face might get orange a bit so i would suggest you to use this mask at night, and your face will be glowing the next morning.

Hope you enjoyed this DIY. . stay tune for more DIY's and others. Feel free to comment below and let me know what you want next from me.


Trim it down to size with a light bulb

Lemon and Tomato face mask

Hello guys...
This is going to be my first DIY but trust me guys you are going to love its having problem with the tanned skin? Or acne marks? Or any other blemishes? So here is your life saving mask, which I am going to tell u.....ta da its lemon and tomato mask.

The lemon is a citrus fruit that contains vitamin C, citric acid, B vitamins, carbohydrates and a small amount of protein. Lemon juice may aid in diminishing the appearance of scars and age spots. The antibacterial properties of lemon juice make it a good natural treatment for acne, and when applied to your skin regularly, lemon juice may speed up the healing of acne lesions and prevent future breakouts. Lemon juice may be used to successfully remove blackheads. If your skin is oily, lemon juice may be applied to your face to reduce the oiliness. The citric acid contained in lemon juice works as a mild skin peel by removing the outermost layer of your skin and reducing shine. The daily use of lemon juice on your face as a skin toner will gently remove dead skin cells, revealing a brighter, smoother complexion.

Tomatoes make an excellent skin treatment for everything from large pores and acne to rashes and more. Tomatoes have cooling elements to soothe raw skin, astringents to remove excess oil, and tons of vitamin C and A to brighten dull skin and restore its health. 

So enough with the skinopedia…loll. Let’s start our DIY:
Materials needed
A tomato
A lemon
Cotton balls (to apply)

Just mix lemon juice and tomato juice equally and then use cotton balls to apply it on your skin, make sure to apply it evenly (you don’t want that only a part of your skin glows :D), it will sting a bit (as its acidic) but don’t worry its normal but if it gets red and stings a lot then wash off immediately.
Apply it for 15 minutes then wash it off with Luke warm water.
Now u will feel fresh because lemon is refreshing for your skin.
Do it thrice a week and it will give you beautiful effects.

NOTE: Don't use these if you are allergic to any of the ingredient...

Hope you enjoyed it, feel free to comment below and don’t forget to subscribe and be a member in my page J
