Sunday 19 May 2013

Lemon and Tomato face mask

Hello guys...
This is going to be my first DIY but trust me guys you are going to love its having problem with the tanned skin? Or acne marks? Or any other blemishes? So here is your life saving mask, which I am going to tell u.....ta da its lemon and tomato mask.

The lemon is a citrus fruit that contains vitamin C, citric acid, B vitamins, carbohydrates and a small amount of protein. Lemon juice may aid in diminishing the appearance of scars and age spots. The antibacterial properties of lemon juice make it a good natural treatment for acne, and when applied to your skin regularly, lemon juice may speed up the healing of acne lesions and prevent future breakouts. Lemon juice may be used to successfully remove blackheads. If your skin is oily, lemon juice may be applied to your face to reduce the oiliness. The citric acid contained in lemon juice works as a mild skin peel by removing the outermost layer of your skin and reducing shine. The daily use of lemon juice on your face as a skin toner will gently remove dead skin cells, revealing a brighter, smoother complexion.

Tomatoes make an excellent skin treatment for everything from large pores and acne to rashes and more. Tomatoes have cooling elements to soothe raw skin, astringents to remove excess oil, and tons of vitamin C and A to brighten dull skin and restore its health. 

So enough with the skinopedia…loll. Let’s start our DIY:
Materials needed
A tomato
A lemon
Cotton balls (to apply)

Just mix lemon juice and tomato juice equally and then use cotton balls to apply it on your skin, make sure to apply it evenly (you don’t want that only a part of your skin glows :D), it will sting a bit (as its acidic) but don’t worry its normal but if it gets red and stings a lot then wash off immediately.
Apply it for 15 minutes then wash it off with Luke warm water.
Now u will feel fresh because lemon is refreshing for your skin.
Do it thrice a week and it will give you beautiful effects.

NOTE: Don't use these if you are allergic to any of the ingredient...

Hope you enjoyed it, feel free to comment below and don’t forget to subscribe and be a member in my page J



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