Sunday 19 May 2013

Orange peel mask

Hello guys,

Here is my another DIY mask, its an orange peel mask, which is made of that waste which we used to throw in our dust bin , but guys it can be used as an amazing face mask. But before i tell you about the mask you should know what are the benefits of orange peel. Some of them are:
1. It contains citric acid so you can use it as bleaching agent as it will glow your skin.
2.It can be used for acne, removing acne marks, other blemishes.
3.It can be used for oily skin as it is acidic in nature.
4.It can be used as hair mask for shiny and manageable hairs.
5. Even you can use it as an ingredient in your steam routine with lemon juice.
So now lets just begin first you should eat your oranges and separate the peels and keep them under direct sunlight for 1 or 2 hours depends on the heat, then after it gets all dried up mix it in the mixer until all gets powdered.
Below you can see my dried peels , then the fine particles of orange peel and then my filled container...:)
You can keep this contained as long as its fragrance is there, mine is still working even after 2 months.

So after making this powder you can use it with water, rose water, milk, or yogurt, any thing you like. Apply it on face evenly in circular motion and keep it for at least 15 minutes and then wash it off with Luke warm water. Now pat dry your face and you will feel refreshing.

NOTE:Your face might get orange a bit so i would suggest you to use this mask at night, and your face will be glowing the next morning.

Hope you enjoyed this DIY. . stay tune for more DIY's and others. Feel free to comment below and let me know what you want next from me.


Trim it down to size with a light bulb


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