Friday 26 July 2013

Vitamins for hair

Hey friends,
Everyone wants soft, silky, healthy and shiny hair..even i do..but these changing weathers, hard water, mainly our diet which completely affects our today i am gonna talk about "vitamins"which should be in your diet to get healthy hair...lets get going and know which vitamins to eat..:)
1.Vitamin A-Vitamin A helps growth in hair and it makes hair longer, thicker and softer.Sources of vitamin a are- sweet potatoes, dark leafy greens, lettuce, apricots etc. Some things like fenugreek, papaya etc contains keratin in them which after entering your body converts into Vitamin A..
2. Vitamin B complex- Lack of vitamin b complex gives you gray hair at early age because it contains iron and iodine which makes your hair stronger.So you should consume vitamin b complex as it makes your hair stronger and will reduce hair fall. Sources of Vitamin B Complex are whole grain flour, brown rice, oatmeal etc..
So guys consume thee vitamins and get what you always dreamed of.."STRONG AND HEALTHY HAIRS"
Hope you liked it..
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