Saturday 28 September 2013

Candy crush nail art

Hey all!!
First of all I am sorry for the delay I am having Internet issues due to construction going here, which is starting to piss me of... But any ways, what can I do right? So I am just waiting it to be done as soon as possible..
So coming back to our main point today I am going to tell you how to do candy crush nail art in 5 easy simple steps.. Yay!! :-D :-P
So this nail I will be doing today is cute and looks hard to do but its super easy
And yes name of this nail art is inspired by one of my followers and Facebook page fan shweta's suggestion...(you can also give your suggestions and participate in my blog and facebook page ,hope to catch you there).
So let's begin with the tutorial
Things you will need :
Three different nail colours(you can take as per your choice but here I have used sky blue, yellow, and Barbie pink)
Any tape
An ear bud(to clean nail paint from the skin)
Glitter pen or you can take glitter nail paint and draw line with toothpick or nail brush
Top coat
Steps to do this manicure:
1. Apply your top coat then let it dry and then take three pieces of tape (cut it in very thin width like mine in three pieces to get the desired results.)and now put one piece vertically from your cuticle,then second piece and third piece should be like a multiplication sign on the first one.
2. Now apply your three colours nicely wherever you want to put three colours(you can also use 6 different colours here as you wish),apply two coats of each colour.
3. Remove your tapes.(I have shown this dirty finger to show you lovelies that mess happens so don't worry and keep on going.
4. Now clean your skin around your nails, and now with a toothpick clear the mess in the lines to make it clear for glitter application.
5. Lastly draw lglitter on your lines spaces,apply top coat and you are ready to go:-)♥♥
Hope you liked it see you on my next post,till then goodbye and have fun experimenting :-D(yeah don't forget to like this post and subscribe to become my friend and to stay updated)

Ramie ♥

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Barley flour- The ultimate whitener

Hey all!!
I have been sick last few days so couldn't post anything except asking you people to suggest me some nail arts which you would like to see tutorial on, you have still time to ask me so go on and post on my Facebook page or here whichever is convenient.
So as I was sick of severe stomach aches hope to be better soon!! :(
Anyway moving on to the main topic today it’s all about the cheapest thing from your kitchen which gives you the most desired benefits that is barley flour which whitens your dark tanned skin.
As barley flour improves skins blood circulation, intoxicate it and brightens it, did you know it can whiten your skin too by applying it directly to your face?
No right? Even I didn't knew that until one of my friend told me about it, so I thought I should share it with you guys too J
Things you will need:
Barley flour or you can grind the barley in the blender also (whatever is convenient for you because both are same)
Rose water
1.Wash your face properly with mild soap.
2.Now take a bowl add two tablespoons barley flour in it.Add one teaspoon of lemon juice in it.
3.Add rose water, until it becomes a paste.
4.Now apply it on your face with clean hands, let it dry and then rub your face slowly, so that dirt and dead skin is removed.
5.Now wash it off and apply moisturizer
Do this twice a week and you will get flawless skin...
Hope you like it, give it a try and let me know the experience in the comment section below.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Minty moustache man nail art

Hey all!!
How's your weekend going... I hope it's fantastic... I bought some new colours.. And I really love them.. One is this mint colour which is in this tutorial...
Do you guys like mint colour.. Let Me know in the comment section below
Any ways.. Today I won't be talking much because it's quite a busy day today.. So I am going to jump to the tutorial... ^_^
Steps to do it.:
1. Apply 2 coats of mint green nail paint.
2. Make two joined black dots. (like in the step two .
3. With your toothpick or nail brush, draw lower line of moustache like in the picture.
4. Now go with the wave shape to the top of the dot. (refer image above to do this )
5. Now fill the inside of the moustache with black nail paint
6. Make similar moustache with the other dot.
7.Now let's go for spectacles... Draw two lines like in the image add if you are drawing two eyebrows..
8. Now draw the rest of spectacles..
And done! Love it right?
Show me your moustache man in the comment box below... ^_^

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Do’s and don’ts for healthy eyelashes

Hello pretty people J
How are you all?
Many people like me who have thick eyelashes usually take natural gift for granted, but we forget that nothing stays with you forever if you don’t know how to preserve It or don’t care to preserve it, thinking that they won’t leave you, that would be the biggest mistake in your life trust me!!
I didn't cared for my eyelashes thinking that it’s okay they are thick enough already so why bother, but when I started losing my lashes I was quite regretting for not taking care of it…from that day on wards I started thinking, researching for many remedies for healthy lashes, I tried many of them but results was not satisfactory, so at that moment a thought came to my mind that just like we do for our skin ,like cleansing, toning, moisturizing, why not doing things similar like that for healthy lashes so I came up with few do’s and don’ts for achieving pretty thick eyelashes
And today I am going to present it to you guys, so that you start caring it from the moment you read my post.
So let’s get to it
DO’S for healthy eyelashes:
1. Remove all the makeup of the eyes like mascara liner and off course eye shadow before sleep.
2. Apply olive oil or almond or even coconut oil on your lashes every day. Here I am using almond as it is my favorite and its rich in vitamin E which is great for hair growth.(oh my gosh there is one hair of my dog lol)
3. Remove eye makeup with olive oil rather than washing it off with soap and water, I am not saying don’t wash your eyes and all , I am just saying while removing   it use olive oil then you can wash your face.
4. Apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly on your lashes every day to moisturize them as Vaseline and petroleum jelly is a wonderful moisturizer.
5. Brush your lashes with eye brush but not too often just one times a day.
DON’T’S for healthy eyelashes:       
      1. Don’t go for thick layer of mascara because the thicker the lashes the more easily it will break. (I have          experienced it)
      2. Don’t use eye lash curler too often because it weakens the lashes with frequent use
      3. Don’t frequently touch them or prick them because it falls easily leaving you with very few lashes.
      4. Don’t rub your eyes ever(never ever)it makes your eyes weak plus make eyelashes weak and easy to          fall L  

I know my pictures are not the best but i hope you get the main point behind this post:)
Have a nice day !Thank you for your time:)
Hope you like it:)

Monday 16 September 2013

Cherry blossom nail art tutorial

Hey my lovely friends!
How are you all? I hope you are all fine..
How many of you have seen cherry blossom tree by your own eyes? I guess most of you... But its my bad luck that I haven't seen it.. Maybe or don't grow here in my country.. Any ways the moment I saw this tree on internet when I was searching for wallpapers... From that moment I love its look... So pinkish.. Beautiful.. Don't have more words... :O its the prettiest tree I think... So any ways few days back I was thinking of doing this nail art because it's so girly , pretty, and cute and goes with your daily look..
So I practiced it for one time on my pinky finger and when it looked good I clicked pictures and I am uploading it for you (I had light problems so I edited it somehow and it turned to be even more dull... Lol anyways hope you like this nail art )
Steps to do it :
1. Apply base coat
2. Apply two coats of white colour
3. Take a sponge and very light pink colour ... And put this colour on little side of sponge
4. Apply this colour with sponge on your nail tips and a little below tips too
5. Let it dry and now use a little darker color than previously used colour and put it on other side of sponge and sponge it on just tips (like I did )
6. Take a toothpick and draw lines with black paint as if you are drawing the tree and branches
7. Now the simplest part add dots with two different shades of pink (one should be light and other one dark )
8. Let it dry and apply top coat.. And you are good to go...
Hope you get it....
Don't forget to follow me here and on Facebook

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Hair mask for dandruff

Hey guys!..
How are you all?
Even if you are not good you will get good after hearing my recipe for today... Haha.. Are you people suffering from dandruff these days because it's weird I am suffering from it suddenly... As if like it all feel on my scalp from a tree.. Haha.. Any ways is really irritating me because I keep on scratching my scalp which leads leads to more flaky scalp :-(.. But luckily I got this Recipe and trust me guys it is working wonders in just two weeks applications... I just can't believe till now that it is so effective because it's so cheap... We think that expensive things are better ,but this one is different guys..
So here it is fenugreek mask for your hair ^_^ as fenugreek is an anti fungal and is very effective for removing dandruff...
Let's jump on to the method today because ingredients is just one and that is fenugreek seeds... Yeah I know it's so cheap and it is easily.  available at your home or general shops...
Steps to do for this mask are :
1. Take two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and put it in a big bowl
2. Now add 2 cups of water in it..
3. Let it stay in the water overnight.
4. Put all the seeds with water in the mixer or we say blender and blend it properly, making sure that no seeds are left, because if left it will stick on your hairs and will be very difficult to remove.
5. Now take it out apply on your scalp and hairs nicely with dying brush ...
6. Tie your hairs up and put plastic cap on.
7. Let it stay for half an hour.
8. Then wash it properly so that no paste is left on your hair then wash it with shampoo..
9. Do this twice a week for first two years and then once a week for next two and then just see the result... You will see the difference... Dandruff will be gone.. ^_^
Hope you like it

Monday 9 September 2013

DIY Birthday cupcake nail art

Hey guys!
How are you all? I hope you are all good.. I am super happy today you know why?No right? ........ Because i am posting another nail art today yay!!
So today I am going to show you how to do easy birthday cupcake nail art...

Do you like it?
Want it's tutorial?
If yes continue scrolling down:)<3
1. Apply transparent paint then after that apply any light colour like I did here.. Which is light brownish in colour :-)
2. Now apply plum berry color on the top like I did...
3. Now draw stripes with a dark colour.. (Here I did with purple)
4. Now draw white cream with white colour (which looks like cloud haha)
5. Add some polka dots for sprinkles(it looks so yummy now... Wanna eat it? Haha
6. Now paint a vertical line(your candle) and light it up with yellow colour like I did.. Cover it with top coat.. . And you are done... Happy birthday!!
Below is the picture tutorial of it^_^

I love it... Mom's out there can do this on your daughters nails on her birthday.. Elder sisters can do this on your little sis.. She would love it...
Hope you love it...

Sunday 8 September 2013

Plum berry flower nail art

Hey guys!
I am trying to post as many posts as I can... But I am having troubles because of some busy schedules of mine... And internet problem is the other factor too... But any ways today is the nail art day.. I know I posted nail art tutorial long back ago... But from now on I will post nail arts too.. ^_^.. I know this nail art is not perfect but I will bring the perfection in my next tutorial..this time... It was late here and had difficulty with nail art pen... So any ways hope you guys enjoy it.... Love you all... You can suggest some nail arts which you would like me to do I will try it out I promise and will give you its tutorial... Take care :-) stay beautiful ;-)
Plum berry flower nail art 


Thursday 5 September 2013

Acne removal mask

Hey my lovely friends.. ^_^
How are you all....hope you are all good..:-)
Sorry for not posting I have been busy these days due to some personal matters...
I am facing alot of acne problems these days... Maybe because of weather, lack of water intake, or fast foods I am consuming these days.... Whatever the reason is I can't tolerate these acne so I got to know a new face mask... My granny told me about it.... The ingredients can be found in any near by store... So lets get going...
Materials you will need:
Fresh Mint leaves
Stick of sandalwood
And that's it... Isn't it cheap?
Steps to make this mask :
1.Take out your mint leaves, wash it nicely...
2. Now make a paste of this leaves in blender... Let it blend nicely...
3. Now take out your stick of sandalwood, wash it nicely..
4. Now rub this sandalwood on some clean stone or anything hard.
5 Now mix this sandalwood paste in mint leaves paste...
And mask is ready... Apply this mask on your cleaned face... Let it be there for 15 minutes.. Your skin will feel its coldness,which is very good for acne... So after 15 minutes wash it off... Apply your moisturiser, and your skin will feel fresh and you're acne will go work continuous weekly use...
Do this once a week for effective results ...
Hope you like it...
Ramie <3